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Rico Baldegger

Visiting Professor UAS
+41 26 429 63 78

Prof. PhD Rico J. Baldegger is Former Director and Visiting Professor of Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the School of Management Fribourg (HEG-FR), Switzerland. He has studied at the Universities of St. Gallen and Fribourg, Switzerland. His research activities concentrate on innovative start-ups, the entrepreneurial behavior of individuals and organizations, as well as the phenomenon of rapid-growth companies. He has published several books and articles and, since the beginning of the 1990s, he has been the manager of a business for company development. Moreover, he is a business angel and serial entrepreneur, as is demonstrated by the many companies he has created.


Journal article

ZURKINDEN, L., BALDEGGER, R. (2023). RCoins – citizens become entrepreneurs. Journal of the International Council for Small Business, 4 (1), 59-67.
KARIV, D., BALDEGGER, R., KASHY-ROSENBAUM, G. (2022). "All you need is... entrepreneurial attitudes": a deeper look into the propensity to start a business during the COVID-19 through a gender comparison (GEM data). World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 18 (1/2), pp. 195-226.
HERVÉ, A., SCHMITT, C., BALDEGGER, R. (2022). Digitalization and internationalization of micro-, small, and medium-sized enterprises: An overall conceptual process. Journal of the International Council for Small Business.
KAASA, A., BALDEGGER, R. (2022). Entrepreneurship and Culture: What Determines the Differences Within Switzerland? The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 31 (3), 546-574.
BALDEGGER, R. (2021). Firmengründungen im Höhenflug. Die Volkswirtschaft, pp. 44-46.
BALDEGGER, R., CAON, M., SADIKU, K. (2020). Correlation between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Implementation of AI in Human Resource Management (HRM). Technology Innovation Management Review, 10 (4), 72-79.
HERVÉ, A., BALDEGGER, R., SCHMITT, C. (2020). Digitalization, Entrepreneurial Orientation and Internationalization of Micro-, Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Technology Innovation Management Review, 10 (4), 5-17.
HERVÉ, A., SCHMITT, C., BALDEGGER, R. (2020). Internationalization and Digitalization: Applying digital technologies to the internationalization process of small and medium-sized enterprises. Technology Innovation Management Review. doi:
BALDEGGER, R. (2020). How a business model's sustainability and scalability interact. Journal of the International Council for Small Business.
SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2015). Performance-Messgrössen von internationalisierenden KMU - eine explorative Studie. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, 67 (2), 198-215.
CHOPRA, A., BALDEGGER, R. (2014). Deer in the Headlights: Response of Incumbent Firms to Profit-Destroying Innovations. International Journal of Innovation in Management, 2 (2), 93-118.
SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2014). Behavioral patterns in born-again global firms towards a conceptual framework of the internationalization activities of mature SMEs. The Multinational Business Review, 22 (4), 418-441.
TARAS, V., BALDEGGER, R. (2013). A Global Classroom? Evaluating the Effectiveness of Global Virtual Collaboration as a Teaching Tool in Management Education. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 12 (3), 414-435.
BALDEGGER, R., MERKLE, R. (2013). Entrepreneurial Mindset - Ein Konzept für die Ausbildung und die beruflichen Herausforderungen eines reflektierenden Unternehmers. Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 1, 99-110.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2011). Messung der Performance von internationalen KMU - Eine Scoping-Studie. Zeitschrift für KMU & Entrepreneurship, 59 (2), 103-124.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2009). Le comportement d'internationalisation des PME suisses: Born global et internationalisation progressive. Revue Internationale PME, 22 (1), 09-45.
BALDEGGER, R. (2009). Une perspective entrepreneuriale sur l'internationalisation des PME. Revue économique et sociale, 67, 69-83.
BALDEGGER, R., HALTER, F., FUEGISTALLER, U. (2009). Obstacles à l'entrepreneuriat chez les étudiants des Hautes Ecoles en Suisse: des diférences régionales? Revue économique et sociale, 67, 41-56.
BALDEGGER, R., ROSSI, M. (2006). Les entreprises "Born Global". Revue économique et sociale, 64 (2), 59-66.
BALDEGGER, R., ROSSI, M. (2006). Compétences et innovation: planifier l'imprévisible? Revue économique et sociale, 64 (3), 35-45.
ARCAND, M., BALDEGGER, R. (2005). L'influence des systèmes de gestion des ressources humaines sur la performance organisationnelle des PME du secteur financier canadien: une analyse empirique et théorique de l'approche des regroupements stratégiques. Revue économique et sociale, 63, 81-92.
BALDEGGER, R., ARCAND, M. (2003). Gestion des ressources humaines et performance de la firme, une application de l'approche de la contingence. Revue économique et sociale, 61, 99-106.


SCHUEFFEL, P., GROENEWEG, N., BALDEGGER, R. (2019). The Crypto Encyclopedia. Coins, tokens and digital assets from A to Z. Fribourg/Bern/New York: Firm Growth and Innovation.
BALDEGGER, R. (2017). Firm Growth and Innovation. Fribourg/Bern/New York: Firm Growth and Innovation.
BALDEGGER, R. (2016). Management: Strategie - Struktur - Kultur. Fribourg/Bern/New York: Management: Strategie - Struktur - Kultur.
BALDEGGER, R. (2015). Entscheidungsprozesse bei der Internationalisierung von KMU: Effectuation versus Causation. Fribourg/Bern/New York: Entscheidungsprozesse bei der Internationalisierung von KMU: Effectuation versus Causation.
BALDEGGER, R., PASQUIER, M. (2014). Le management dans un environnement dynamique: Concepts, méthodes et outils pour une approche systémique. Louvain-La-Neuve: Le management dans un environnement dynamique: Concepts, méthodes et outils pour une approche systémique.
BALDEGGER, R. (2012). Entrepreneurial Strategy and Innovation. Fribourg/Bern/New York: Entrepreneurial Strategy and Innovation.
BALDEGGER, R. (2012). Case Studies International Entrepreneurship. Fribourg/Bern/New York: Case Studies International Entrepreneurship.
BALDEGGER, R. (2012). Management in a Dynamic Environment: Concepts, Methods and Tools. Wiesbaden: Management in a Dynamic Environment: Concepts, Methods and Tools.
BALDEGGER, R., JULIEN, P.-A. (2011). Regionales Unternehmertum - Ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz. Wiesbaden: Regionales Unternehmertum - Ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz.
BALDEGGER, R., ROSSI, M. (2009). Entrepreneuriat: innovation et croissance. Entrepreneuriat: innovation et croissance.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2008). Process Model of Internationalization and International New Venture Framework. A representative study among Swiss SMEs. Fribourg/Bern/New York: Process Model of Internationalization and International New Venture Framework. A representative study among Swiss SMEs.
BALDEGGER, R., WYSS, P. (2008). Profiling the Hybrid: Born-again Global Firms. Fribourg/Bern/New York: Profiling the Hybrid: Born-again Global Firms.
BALDEGGER, R. (1995). Wirtschaftsförderung aus der Sicht kleiner und mittlerer Betriebe: Eine empirische Untersuchung der Situation und der Bedürfnisse kleiner und mittlerer Betriebe im Kanton Freiburg. Fribourg/New York: Wirtschaftsförderung aus der Sicht kleiner und mittlerer Betriebe: Eine empirische Untersuchung der Situation und der Bedürfnisse kleiner und mittlerer Betriebe im Kanton Freiburg.

Book chapter

FILION, L.-J., BALDEGGER, R. (2023). Elmar Mock, From the Swatch to Creaholic: Inventor, Intrapreneur and Entrepreneur. Agents of Innovation (pp. 143-167). Emerald Publishing Limited.
HERVÉ, A., SCHMITT, C., BALDEGGER, R. (2022). Degree of digitalization and entrepreneurial orientation of internationalizing micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises: The mediating roles of self-concept traits. Innovation and Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises: A Crossroads Perspective (pp. 175-200). Peter Lang.
WILD, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2022). Analyzing SMEs innovation performance: Exploring the role of Degree of Internationalization (DOI), Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO), and firm size. Innovation and Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises: A Crossroads Perspective (pp. 15-45). Peter Lang.
WILD, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2022). Early and Rapid or Late and Slow? Path Dependency Caused by Age at Internationalization. International Leadership. uniscope. Publikationen der SGO Stiftung (pp. 49-77). Springer Gabler.
BALDEGGER, R., WILD, P., SCHUEFFEL, P. (2021). The effects of entrepreneurial orientation in a digital and international setting. Entrepreneurial Orientation: Epistemological, Theoretical, and Empirical Perspectives (pp. 145-174). Emerald Publishing Limited.
BALDEGGER, R. (2020). Corporate Governance in International High-Tech Startups. Governance of Ventures: The Role of Venture Boards, Entrepreneurs and Investors in Entrepreneurial Value Creation (pp. 69-75). Haupt.
BALDEGGER, R. (2020). How a Business Model's Sustainability and Scalability Interact. ICSB Annual Global Micro-, Small and Medium-Sized Entreprises Report.
BALDEGGER, R. (2019). Internationalization and Digitalization of MSMEs or is it Digitalization of Internationalization? ICSB Annual Global Micro-, Small and Medium-Sized Entreprises Report.
SCHMITT, C., JANSSEN, F., BALDEGGER, R., GIACOMIN, O. (2016). Entrepreneuriat et économie. In Frank Janssen (Ed.), Entreprendre: une introduction à l'entreprenuriat (pp. 61-74). Entrepreneuriat et économie.
SCHMITT, C., BALDEGGER, R. (2016). De l’art d’organiser l’action complexe. In SCHMITT C. (Ed.), De la complexité de l’action dans les organisations. Editions Growth Publisher .
BALDEGGER, R. (2012). Geschäftsidee: Von der Freude des Ausprobierens. Gründen 3.0. Geschäftsidee: Von der Freude des Ausprobierens.
STALDER, T., BALDEGGER, R. (2012). Research Propositions Concerning Social Entrepreneurs in Switzerland: Constraints and Motivations Related to the Social Enterprise Typology. Les Cahiers de l'ASO (pp. 29-42). Research Propositions Concerning Social Entrepreneurs in Switzerland: Constraints and Motivations Related to the Social Enterprise Typology.
BALDEGGER, R. (2011). Organisation. In Thomas Straub (Ed.), Einführung in die allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Organisation.
BALDEGGER, R. (2011). In den Mitarbeitenden investieren - nur eine Phrase? In Manuela Stier, Hans Hess, Ursula Renold, Beat Wenger (Eds.), Unternehmerisches Denken und Handeln bei Mitarbeitenden verankern (pp. 74-75). In den Mitarbeitenden investieren - nur eine Phrase?
BALDEGGER, R. (2011). Le dernier grand projet. Succession 1.0 (pp. 15-16). Le dernier grand projet.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2010). Eine unternehmerische Betrachtungsweise der Internationalisierung von KMU. In C. Marxt, S. Kraus, D. Müller (Eds.), Entrepreneurial Management: Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Urs Baldegger (pp. 243-268). Eine unternehmerische Betrachtungsweise der Internationalisierung von KMU.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2010). Measuring the Performance of International SMEs - A Scoping Study. In U. Fueglistaller, Th. Volery, W. Walter (Eds.), The Promise for Future Entrepreneurship, Family Business and SME Research? (pp. Rico). Measuring the Performance of International SMEs - A Scoping Study.
BALDEGGER, R. (2010). Wie Forschung das Unternehmertum unterstützen kann. In Manuela Stier, Wolfgang Becker, Leonhard Fopp (Eds.), Lebenskonzept Unternehmertum - Motivations- und Erfolgsfaktoren (pp. 42-43). Wie Forschung das Unternehmertum unterstützen kann.
BALDEGGER, R. (2010). Das letzte grosse Projekt. Nachfolge 1.0 (pp. 15-16). Das letzte grosse Projekt.
BALDEGGER, R. (2009). Internationalisierung von KMU: vielfältige Muster zum Erfolg. In Manuela Stier (Ed.), Globalisierung - Chance oder Bedrohung? (pp. 06-07). Internationalisierung von KMU: vielfältige Muster zum Erfolg.
BALDEGGER, R. (2009). Zehn Fakten für Unternehmensgründer: Tipps und Tricks, damit künftige Firmenchefs wissen, was sie tun und was sie lassen sollen. Gründen 2.0. Zehn Fakten für Unternehmensgründer: Tipps und Tricks, damit künftige Firmenchefs wissen, was sie tun und was sie lassen sollen.
BALDEGGER, R., WUILLEMIN, L. (2008). Entrepreneuriat et Hautes Ecoles en Suisse: liaison entre science et pratique. In Christophe Schmitt (Ed.), Université et entrepreneuriat - une relation en quête de sens (pp. Rico). Nancy: Entrepreneuriat et Hautes Ecoles en Suisse: liaison entre science et pratique.

Faculty research seminar

BALDEGGER, R. (2016). Pour un entrepreneuriat innovant et responsable. Conférence Projectique / ERIMA.

Book editor

BALDEGGER, R., EL TARABISHY, A., AUDRETSCH, D., KARIV, D., PASSERINI, K., TAN, W.-L. (2022). The Future of Business Schools. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Published case

GAUDART, R., BALDEGGER, R. (2023). Liip: How a Web Development Company Was Transformed by Holacracy.
BALDEGGER, R., BISCARO, M. (2022). How a Startup Is Putting the Running Shoe Industry Back On Track.
ZURKINDEN, L., BALDEGGER, R. (2022). Dartfish - How a University Spin-Off Became a Global Leader in Video Analysis Solutions.


BALDEGGER, R. (2023). United Nations (UN) - Women Entrepreneurs: Insights into some challenges. New York, United States of America.
BALDEGGER, R. (2022). US Congress - Sustainability squared – the high impact SMEs can have in sustainable markets. Washington, United States of America.
BALDEGGER, R. (2022). United Nations (UN) - Innovation Capability of SMEs and Young Talent. New York, United States of America.
BALDEGGER, R. (2019). United Nations (UN) - The Role of Business Schools in supporting MSMEs to achieve SDGs. New York, United States of America.
BALDEGGER, R. (2019). United Nations (UN) - Speed and Resilience of MSMEs in Global Markets. Paris, France.
BALDEGGER, R. (2018). United Nations (UN) - Ambidextrous Business School and MSMEs.


BALDEGGER, R. (2023). The Innovation Capability of SMEs and Empowering Leadership.
BALDEGGER, R., GAUDART, R., WILD, P. (2023). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2022/2023: Report on Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., GAUDART, R., WILD, P. (2022). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2021/2022: Report on Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R. (2022). Sustainability Performance of MSMEs: Standardization and automation of ESG rating and reporting may help MSMEs improve their sustainability performance.
BALDEGGER, R., GAUDART, R., WILD, P. (2021). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2020-2021: Report on Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., GAUDART, R., WILD, P. (2020). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2019-2020: Report on Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., ALBERTON, S., GAUDART, R., HUBER, A., WILD, P. (2019). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2018/2019: Report on Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., WILD, P. (2019). Internationalization Behavior of SMEs in the Global Context. Entrepreneurial Orientation, Speed and Performance. Fribourg, Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., HERVÉ, A., WILD, P. (2019). Swiss International Entrepreneurship Survey (SIES) 2019. Résultats de l’étude sur le comportement d’internationalisation des PME suisses. Fribourg, Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., MERKLE, R., WILD, P. (2019). Swiss International Entrepreneurship Survey (SIES) 2019. Studienergebnisse zum Internationalisierungsverhalten von Schweizer KMU. Fribourg, Switzerland.
SIEGER, P., BALDEGGER, R., FUEGLISTALLER, U. (2019). Studentisches Unternehmertum in der Schweiz 2018. Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., GAUDART, R., ALBERTON, S., HUBER, A., WILD, P. (2018). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2017/2018: Report on Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., WILD, P., ALBERTON, S., HUBER, A., HACKLIN, F., SAGLAM, O. (2017). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Report on Switzerland 2016/2017. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Report on Switzerland 2016/2017.
BALDEGGER, R., AYER, J.-M., PILAUER, A. (2017). L'entrepreneuriat des étudiants en Suisse occidentale: Résultats de l'enquête GUESSS 2016. L'entrepreneuriat des étudiants en Suisse occidentale: Résultats de l'enquête GUESSS 2016.
BALDEGGER, R., WILD, P., ALBERTON, S., HUBER, A., HACKLIN, F., SAGLAM, O. (2016). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Report on Switzerland 2015/2016. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Report on Switzerland 2015/2016.
BALDEGGER, R., WILD, P., MOREL, B. (2016). Swiss International Entrepreneurship Survey 2016: Results of the study on the internationalization of Swiss SMEs. Swiss International Entrepreneurship Survey 2016: Results of the study on the internationalization of Swiss SMEs.
BALDEGGER, R. (2016). Investment in entrepreneurship and innovation. Swiss Venture Capital Report.
BALDEGGER, R., WILD, P., ALBERTON, S., HUBER, A., HACKLIN, F., SAGLAM, O. (2015). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Report on Switzerland 2014. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Report on Switzerland 2014.
BALDEGGER, R. (2015). Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions. Swiss Venture Capital Report.
BALDEGGER, R. (2014). Erkennen von Geschäftsgelegenheiten und Innovationen bei international aktiven Schweizer KMU. Erkennen von Geschäftsgelegenheiten und Innovationen bei international aktiven Schweizer KMU.
SIEGER, P., BALDEGGER, R., FUEGISTALLER, U. (2014). L'entrepreneuriat des étudiants en Suisse: résultats du GUESSS 2013/14. L'entrepreneuriat des étudiants en Suisse: résultats du GUESSS 2013/14.
SIEGER, P., BALDEGGER, R., FUEGISTALLER, U. (2014). Studentisches Unternehmertum in der Schweiz: Erkenntnisse aus GUESSS Projekt 2013/14. Studentisches Unternehmertum in der Schweiz: Erkenntnisse aus GUESSS Projekt 2013/14.
SIEGER, P., BALDEGGER, R., FUEGISTALLER, U. (2014). Student Entrepreneurship Across The Globe: A Look at Intentions and Activities. Student Entrepreneurship Across The Globe: A Look at Intentions and Activities.
BALDEGGER, R., PASQUIER, M., RUEGER, D. (2014). Plutôt que des dérivés, des résultats: La transmission d'entreprise: un défi entrepreneurial. Plutôt que des dérivés, des résultats: La transmission d'entreprise: un défi entrepreneurial.
BALDEGGER, R., ALBERTON, S., HACKLIN, F., BRÜLHART, A., HUBER, A., SAGLAM, O. (2014). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2013 - Report on Switzerland. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2013 - Report on Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., PASQUIER, M., RUEGER, D. (2014). Succession de PME - Quo Vadis? : Moments d'incertitudes - Est-ce le bon moment? Succession de PME - Quo Vadis? : Moments d'incertitudes - Est-ce le bon moment?
LEHMANN, R., HAUSER, C., BALDEGGER, R. (2013). Managing Export Risks: Export Risk Management Guidelines. Managing Export Risks: Export Risk Management Guidelines.
BALDEGGER, R. (2013). Swiss International Entrepreneurship Survey 2013. Swiss International Entrepreneurship Survey 2013.
BALDEGGER, R., ALBERTON, S., HACKLIN, F., BRÜLHART, A., HUBER, A., SAGLAM, O. (2013). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2012 - Report on Switzerland. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2012 - Report on Switzerland.
SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2013). A Fact Finding Report on the Globalization of Swiss SMEs - The Swiss Hippo Becoming Native to Asia's SME Habitat. A Fact Finding Report on the Globalization of Swiss SMEs - The Swiss Hippo Becoming Native to Asia's SME Habitat.
BALDEGGER, R., ALBERTON, S., HACKLIN, F., BRÜLHART, A., HUBER, A., SAGLAM, O. (2012). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2011 - Report on Switzerland. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2011 - Report on Switzerland.
SIEGER, P., BALDEGGER, R., FUEGISTALLER, U. (2011). Unternehmerische Absichten und Aktivitäten von Studierenden in der Schweiz: Ergebnisse aus dem GUESSS Projekt 2011. Unternehmerische Absichten und Aktivitäten von Studierenden in der Schweiz: Ergebnisse aus dem GUESSS Projekt 2011.
SIEGER, P., BALDEGGER, R., FUEGISTALLER, U. (2011). Les intentions et activités entrepreneuriales des étudiants en Suisse. Les intentions et activités entrepreneuriales des étudiants en Suisse.
BALDEGGER, R., GIUNTA, G. (2011). L'entrepreneuriat en Suisse: Vision des grands partis politiques gouvernementaux. L'entrepreneuriat en Suisse: Vision des grands partis politiques gouvernementaux.
BALDEGGER, R., GIUNTA, G. (2011). Entrepreneurship in der Schweiz: Visionen der grössten Bundesratsparteien. Entrepreneurship in der Schweiz: Visionen der grössten Bundesratsparteien.
BALDEGGER, R., BRÜLHART, A., SCHÜFFEL, P., STRAUB, T. (2011). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Unternehmertum im weltweiten Vergleich: Länderbericht Schweiz 2010. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Unternehmertum im weltweiten Vergleich: Länderbericht Schweiz 2010.
BALDEGGER, R., BRÜLHART, A., SCHÜFFEL, P., STRAUB, T. (2011). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - L'entrepreneuriat en comparaison internationale: Rapport nationale Suisse 2010. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - L'entrepreneuriat en comparaison internationale: Rapport nationale Suisse 2010.
BALDEGGER, R. (2010). Swiss International Entrepreneurship Survey 2010. Swiss International Entrepreneurship Survey 2010.
BALDEGGER, R., BRÜLHART, A., ROSSI, M., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2010). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Unternehmertum im weltweiten Vergleich: Länderbericht Schweiz 2009. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Unternehmertum im weltweiten Vergleich: Länderbericht Schweiz 2009.
BALDEGGER, R., BRÜLHART, A., ROSSI, M., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2010). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - L'entrepreneuriat en comparaison internationale: Rapport nationale Suisse 2009. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - L'entrepreneuriat en comparaison internationale: Rapport nationale Suisse 2009.
BALDEGGER, R., HALTER, F., FUEGISTALLER, U., MÜLLER, C. (2009). Le comportement entrepreneurial des étudiants en Suisse. Résultats du Global University Entrepreneurial Students' Spirit Survey (GUESSS) pour la Suisse. Le comportement entrepreneurial des étudiants en Suisse. Résultats du Global University Entrepreneurial Students' Spirit Survey (GUESSS) pour la Suisse.
HALTER, F., BALDEGGER, R. (2009). Transmettre la direction et la propriété de son entreprise: Succession au sein des petites et moyennes entreprises de Suisse latine. Transmettre la direction et la propriété de son entreprise: Succession au sein des petites et moyennes entreprises de Suisse latine.
HALTER, F., SCHRETTLE, T., BALDEGGER, R. (2009). Effective Succession Management: A study of emotional and financial aspects in SMEs. Effective Succession Management: A study of emotional and financial aspects in SMEs.
BALDEGGER, R. (2007). Swiss International Entrepreneurship Survey 2007. Swiss International Entrepreneurship Survey 2007.
BALDEGGER, R. (1999). KMU-Check 1999. KMU-Check 1999.

Paper presented at a peer-reviewed conference

MC LAREN, E., BALDEGGER, R. (2023). Current technologies to tackle modern slavery. ICSB 2023 World Congress, Seoul, South Korea.
GAUDART, R., JEANNERET, S., BALDEGGER, R. (2023). VIA - Ventures in Action - "The best professor is the market.". 18th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Porto, Portugal.
SCHUEFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R., WILD, P. (2020). The effects of entrepreneurial orientation in a digital and international setting. Entrepreneurial Orientation Research Conference, Laramie, United States of America.
HERVÉ, A., BALDEGGER, R., SCHMITT, C. (2019). International Entrepreneurship and Digitalization of micro-small and medium-sized enterprises. ICSB 2019 World Congress, Le Caire, Egypt.
SCHUEFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R., CAON, M., BUENZLI, D. (2019). The antecedents and outcomes of AI adoption in SMEs. ICSB 2019 World Congress, Le Caire, Egypt.
RAEMY, C., BALDEGGER, R. (2019). The internationalization process for an early-stage MedTech start-up in a highly competitive ecosystem. ICSB 2019 World Congress, Le Caire, Egypt.
HERVÉ, A., BALDEGGER, R., SCHMITT, C. (2019). Internationalization and digitalization of small businesses: a literature review. 23rd McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, Odense, Denmark.
HERVÉ, A., BALDEGGER, R., SCHMITT, C. (2019). Internationalization of micro-small and medium-sized enterprises in a digital context. G-forum, Vienne, Austria.
THOMET, M., ROSSI, M., BALDEGGER, R. (2018). Impacts de la formation en entrepreneuriat sur les choix de carrière et déterminants de l’intention entrepreneuriale des étudiantes et étudiants des hautes écoles en Suisse. Une analyse des données de l’enquête GUESS Suisse 2016 (Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students‘ Survey). 9èmes rencontres Jeunes & Sociétés en Europe et autour de la Méditerranée: Jeunes, formation professionnelle et insertion sur le marché du travail, Lausanne, Switzerland.
BISCARO, M., BALDEGGER, R. (2018). Sustainability Squared - Business Model and Entrepreneurial Framework. G-forum, Stuttgart, Germany.
SUARD, G., BALDEGGER, R. (2018). Open Innovation Dynamics in an Entrepreneurship Ecosystem: The Case of Healthcare Industry in Boston. G-forum, Stuttgart, Germany.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHUEFFEL, P., TUCHSCHMID, N., KAISER, A. (2018). The Impact of Banks on the Internationalization Efforts of SMEs: Help or Hindrance? ACERE Conference 2018, Brisbane, Australia.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P., TUCHSCHMID, N. (2017). Banks and Internationalizing SMEs: Friends or Foes? EIBA Conference 2017, Milan, Italy.
SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R., TUCHSCHMID, N., KAISER, A. (2017). The Role of Banks in the Internationalization Process of SMEs: Blessing or Curse? Academy of International Business Annual Meeting 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
XIAOYING, F., BUBENZER, P., BALDEGGER, R., WALES, B. (2016). Exploring International Growth of Swiss SMEs: The Role of Product Knowledge and Network. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting 2016, New Orleans, United States of America.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P., HAMMER, M. (2016). Hub Internationalization - How Born Globals Conquer Southeast Asia by Building Local Bridgeheads. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting 2016, New Orleans, United States of America.
BUBENZER, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2016). Reconsidering performance effects of employee autonomy in the pursuit of entrepreneurial opportunities. Babson College Entrepreneurial Research Conference 2016, Bodo, Norway.
XIAOYING, F., BALDEGGER, R., WALES, B. (2016). Pushing the Limits of International Scope Expansion within SMEs - Ambidexterity and Exploitation Considerations. Babson College Entrepreneurial Research Conference 2016, Bodo, Norway.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2016). Linking internationalization age and speed in Swiss SMEs. ACERE Conference 2016, Queensland, Australia.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2015). Entrepreneurial Behavior and SME Internationalization: Conceptualizing the Dynamics of International Entrepreneurial. EIBA Conference 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
WILD, P., SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R., RÉGNIER, P. (2014). Similar but disparate: The Early Internationalization Phase of Family vs. Non-Family Firms. Academy of International Business 2014, Vancouver, Canada.
AMANN, W., SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2014). The Linkages between Internationalization Age and Internationalization Speed. SMS Annual Conference 2014, Madrid, Spain.
SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2014). Conceptualizing the dynamics of international entrepreneurship. European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management Conference 2014, Rome, Italy.
WANKEL, C., BALDEGGER, R. (2014). Fostering International Teaching and Research Collaboration. Academy of Management 2014, Philadelphia, United States of America.
CHOPRA, A., BALDEGGER, R. (2014). Deer in the headlights - The response of incumbent firms to profit destroying innovations. International Conference on Innovation and Management 2014, Hawaii, United States of America.
AMANN, W., SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2014). Early Internationalization of family vs. non-family firms. EURAM Conference 2014, Valencia, Spain.
SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2014). Tracing Behavioral Patterns in Born-again Global Firms. ACERE Conference 2014, Sydney, Australia.
AMANN, W., SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2013). The Time Perspective in International Entrepreneurship. Academy of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Annual Conference, Fribourg, Switzerland.
TARAS, V., BALDEGGER, R. (2013). A Global Classroom? A Multi-Method Evaluation of Effectiveness of International Collaboration Exercises in International Management Education. Academy of International Business 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
BALDEGGER, R. (2012). Benchmark des pratiques pédagogiques du territoire national et européen. Journées Oppe - l'entrepreneuriat des jeunes au cœur de la dynamique des territoires, Grenoble, France.
HERMANN, L., SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R. (2012). Open Innovation in Financial services Industry - Implications for Managers and Entrepreneurs. 16th Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference, Potsdam, Germany.
TARAS, V., BALDEGGER, R. (2012). Multi Country Student Collaboration Projects in Cross Cultural Management Education. Academy of International Business - Southeast USA 2012 Annual Conference, Fort Lauderdale, United States of America.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P., PASQUIER, M. (2012). Dynamique de l'entrepreneuriat international: cadre conceptuel et enjeux. 11ème Congrès international francophone en entrepreneuriat et PME, Brest, France.
BRÜLHART, A., BALDEGGER, R. (2012). Impact de la performance de la formation en entrepreneuriat sur la capacité à reconnaître des opportunités. 11ème Congrès international francophone en entrepreneuriat et PME, Brest, France.
HRAB, C., BALDEGGER, R., PASQUIER, M. (2012). The integration of Business Models in Social Entrepreneurship: Review of existing theoretical contributions. 1ère journée de l'Entrepreneuriat Social - ESG Management School & HEG Fribourg, Paris, France.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2012). Empirically Testing the Entrepreneurial Internationalization Behavior of Top Management Teams in SMEs. Rencontres de St-Gall 2012, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R. (2012). Accompagnement à l'internationalisation des PME suisses. 80ème Congrès de l'Acfas, Montréal, Canada.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2011). Entrepreneurial risk recognition in Born Globals. 15th Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2011). Entrepreneurial risk recognition: New Findings on the Neglected Child of the Entrepreneurship Family. The International Council for Small Business 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2010). Emergence d'un nouveau profil d'entreprise international. 10ème Congrès international francophone en entrepreneuriat et PME, Bordeaux, France.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2010). Internationalization, entrepreneurial concept and performance. 14th Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference, Cologne, Germany.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2010). Entrepreneurial Risk Recognition. SMS Annual Conference 2010, Rome, Italy.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P., STRAUB, T. (2010). Instant Internationalization of Mature SMEs: Critical Incidents leading to Rapid Internationalization. SME & Entrepreneurship Conference 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2010). Born-again Global Firms: The Catalytic Effects of Critical Incidents - A Case Study on the Internationalization Behavior of Mature SMEs. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting 2010, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2010). An Entrepreneurial Perspective on SME Internationalization. USASBE Conference 2010, Nashville, United States of America.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2009). The Entrepreneurial Internationalization Behavior Model: An Empirical Test. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, San Diego, United States of America.
MAIJA, R., SINHA, P., KONTULA, J., BALDEGGER, R., KUNDIT, S. (2009). Institutional Environments for Entrepreneurship: A Three Country Study. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, San Diego, United States of America.
BALDEGGER, R., ROSSI, M., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2008). Internationalisation rapide versus progressive: une perspective entrepreneuriale. 9ème Congrès international francophone en entrepreneuriat et PME, Louvain La Neuve, Belgium.
BALDEGGER, R. (2008). The Internationalization Behavior of Mature Firms - A Case Study on Swiss SMEs. Rencontres de St-Gall 2008, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P. (2007). Profiling the Hybrid: Born-again Global Firms. A Case Study on the Internationalization Behavior of Mature Firms in Switzerland. SMS Special Conference 2007, Catania, Italy.
HALTER, F., BALDEGGER, R. (2006). Motivations entrepreneuriales des étudiants - une enquête bilingue en Suisse. 8ème Congrès international francophone en entrepreneuriat et PME, Fribourg, Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P., ROSSI, M. (2006). Le comportement d'internationalisation des PME suisses: Born global et internationalisation progressive. 8ème Congrès international francophone en entrepreneuriat et PME, Fribourg, Switzerland.
BALDEGGER, R., BRÜLHART, A. (2004). Evaluation de partenaires stratégiques dans le cadre d'un réseau virtuel. 7ème Congrès international francophone en entrepreneuriat et PME, Montpellier, France.


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