EMBA in Integrated management
Number of participants
Average participant age
Average years of experience
Mountain and ski addicted
Joël Allemann
Former semi-professional football player
Nicolas Favre
Devoted to sports
Vasco Fonseca
Foodie at heart
Florence Hübner
Laurent Müller
DIY handywoman
Debora Ngoussi Makongo
Daft Punk keen listener
Joao Pedro Oliveira
Heavy metal and thrill rides fan
Aurélie Peitrequin
Animal lover
Yorly Perez Gomez
Scrabble player
Danielle Perrette
Swiss wine connoisseur
Nicolas Pittet
Life lover
Vincent Roulin
Bharatanatyam (Indian classical dance) & Hip-hop lover
Vanmathy Sommer
Our EMBA team looks forward to answering your questions and discussing your goals.