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Eric Mc Laren

Collaborateur scientifique HES - Doctorant


Journal article

ROSSI, M., MC LAREN, E. (2022). Companies' views of teleworking difficulties. Journal of the International Council for Small Business.
MC LAREN, E., ROSSI, M. (2022). Réduire les risques liés au télétravail: comment font les entreprises? Revue économique et sociale (1), 41-47.

Paper presented at a peer-reviewed conference

WILD, P., MC LAREN, E. (2023). Internet as a data source for SME internationalization studies. Academy of International Business, Varsovie, Poland.
MC LAREN, E., BALDEGGER, R. (2023). Current technologies to tackle modern slavery. ICSB 2023 World Congress, Seoul, South Korea.


Award/Honors JICSB Best Paper Award 2022