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“Discovering new markets”

MSCBA study trip to Boston 2017

06 oct. 2017

Currently, 13 Master Students in Entrepreneurship are in Boston, USA, for an intense entrepreneurship week.

During their stay, the Master Students have the opportunity to act as junior consultants for 4 Swiss companies. Each firm came in with a specific need related to internationalization and entering new markets. Working with mentors and coaches, the students are to create a comprehensive plan, using a research-based approach, to find solutions and new ways to integrate global value solution. This unique immersion allows students to gain first-hand experience while learning new knowledge and skills; to the companies, they bring fresh eyes and solutions to a real-life business problem.

“The strength of this approach lies in combining professional experience and academic expertise with Swiss SMEs' knowledge of their products and know-how”, says Raphaël Gaudart, Head of the Master program at HEG-FR.

The week’s activities also include company and university visits, connecting the dots with Swissnex Boston and entrepreneurs. Students also get a feel for and gain additional insights into the Boston-area entrepreneurial ecosystem.

The “Discovery New Markets” module is part of the official Master of Science in Entrepreneurship curriculum. This year, our students had the chance to choose their favorite destination among Mexico (took place in July), Brazil (took place in August) and Boston. To sum it up, it is a great experience in a pioneering entrepreneurial environment. ​