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Nils Tuchschmid

Professeur HES ordinaire/Responsable d'institut
+41 26 429 63 50
Bureau : HEG 420 et 420a

Dr. Nils Tuchschmid est professeur et directeur de l’Institut de Finance de la Haute école de gestion Fribourg (HEG-FR). Avant de rejoindre HEG-FR, Nils était associé et responsable des stratégies de trading tactique chez Tages Group. Auparavant, il était co-responsable de l’équipe Alternative Funds Advisory chez UBS et responsable des portefeuilles multi-gestionnaires chez Credit-Suisse. Titulaire d’un doctorat en économie de l’Université de Genève, il a publié de nombreux articles et travaux de recherche, notamment sur la gestion et l’allocation d’actifs, les placements alternatifs et la mesure des performances.


Journal article

NAYA, F., TUCHSCHMID, N. (2024). The Performance of Hedge Funds: Are There Differences in Terms of Gender? Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 17 (11).
NAYA, F., RRUSTEMI, J., TUCHSCHMID, N. (2023). Alternative Risk Premia and Market Drawdowns: A Performance Review. The Journal of Beta Investment Strategies, 14 (2), 83-100.
NAYA, F., RRUSTEMI, J., TUCHSCHMID, N. (2023). Incorporating Alternative Risk Premia Into Balanced Portfolios: Is There Any Added Value? Journal of Systematic Investing, 3 (1).
RRUSTEMI, J., TUCHSCHMID, N. (2020). Facebook' Digital Currency Venture "Diem": the new Frontier … or a Galaxy far, far away? Technology Innovation Management Review, 10 (12), 19-30.
TUCHSCHMID, N., NAYA, F. (2019). Alternative Risk Premia: Is the Selection Process Important? Journal of Wealth Management.
TUCHSCHMID, N. (2014). Alpha or not Alpha: The Case of the Hedge Fund Industry. Bankers, Markets and Investors.
TUCHSCHMID, N. (2013). Non-Fully Invested Derivative Free Bond Index Replication. Financial Markets and Portfolio Management.
TUCHSCHMID, N. (2013). Ucits: Can it Bring Funds of Hedge Funds On-Shore? Journal of Wealth Management.
TUCHSCHMID, N. (2013). Does Manager Offshore Experience Count in the Alternative UCITS Universe? Journal of Alternative Investments.

Paper presented at a peer-reviewed conference

BLANC, S., FRAGNIÈRE, E., NAYA, F., TUCHSCHMID, N. (2024). Safeguarding Downside Risk in Portfolio Insurance: Navigating Swiss Stock Market Regimes with Options, Trading Signals, and Financial Products. 6th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business, France.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHUEFFEL, P., TUCHSCHMID, N., KAISER, A. (2018). The Impact of Banks on the Internationalization Efforts of SMEs: Help or Hindrance? ACERE Conference 2018, Brisbane, Australia.
BALDEGGER, R., SCHÜFFEL, P., TUCHSCHMID, N. (2017). Banks and Internationalizing SMEs: Friends or Foes? EIBA Conference 2017, Milan, Italy.
SCHÜFFEL, P., BALDEGGER, R., TUCHSCHMID, N., KAISER, A. (2017). The Role of Banks in the Internationalization Process of SMEs: Blessing or Curse? Academy of International Business Annual Meeting 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Book chapter

FRAGNIÈRE, E., TUCHSCHMID, N., FISCHER, P., RRUSTEMI, J., GUILLOT, O. (2023). Identification of Qualitative Weak Signals Coming from Asset Management Working Practices to Feed Forward-Looking Investment Pension Funds Models. Education, Research and Business Technologies (pp. 81-92). Springer.


TUCHSCHMID, N. (2023). Incorporating Alternative Risk Premia into Balanced Portfolios: is there any added value ? Wolfsberg, Switzerland.